Dragon Life Organization
What is DLO?
All students in all grades at Yinghua Academy, are by nature, a part of Dragon Life and are encouraged to play an active role in the life of the school. The Dragon Life Organization (DLO) gives Middle School students opportunities to be genuine leaders. These opportunities will allow students to have a direct influence in the school and the lives of them and their classmates. As part of the DLO, students develop like skills while doing actual jobs, assisting teachers, planning social events, developing community service projects, tutoring peers, and more!
The DLO empowers students to make a difference by giving them real responsibility and opportunities to develop skills in leadership, cooperation, confidence, creativity, problem solving and communication. While engaging in DLO activities such as service projects and “late nights”, students acquire and refine talents and perspectives that will help them in high school, college, and beyond.
1. Create and promote a positive school climate and healthy community.
2. Complement the academic portion of students’ education.
3. Allow students the opportunity to experience real-life work, responsibility, and accountability.
4. Involve students in their own education through ownership and investment.
5. Promote the highest standards of ethical and moral values.
6. Model the Dragon Code for the whole school
Access the full Dragon Life Organization Handbook here.