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Health Services

Health Office

The Health Office is open each school day during school hours. The goal of the Health Office is to provide support that promotes student achievement and academic success by providing health care that keeps students in the classroom, ready to learn.

Please feel free to contact Health Office staff Ginger Hao, Catherine Yong, Ying-Ju Chiu, Gloria Low, or Adele Schultz by email or phone: 612-788-9095. 

When to keep your child home from school

The Health Office works to ensure a healthy school environment. Many students and families are concerned about when students should stay home or attend school. To protect other students and staff, parents should keep children home from school when they have any of the following conditions:

  • Fever greater than 100°F in the past 24-hours (before fever reducing medications are given) or if child feels ill or is unable to participate in normal daily activities.
  • Diarrhea or vomiting within the past 24-hours.
  • Rash with fever or behavior change that is undiagnosed.
  • Untreated head lice.
  • Eye drainage or painful, itchy, reddened eyes as with pink eye (conjunctivitis).
  • Undiagnosed coughing or yellow/green mucus coming from nose or mouth.

Follow this link to find parent fact sheets related to contagious health conditions: Contagious Health Conditions Fact Sheets.

Counseling Services

Meet with the Middle School Counselor

Yinghua employs a school counselor to support students’ mental and emotional health. Mr. Lor works with students individually and in small groups to help students develop goals and strategies for success.

Mr. Lor, School Counselor

Cook Center for Human Connection

Yinghua Academy is proud to be partnering with Cook Center for Human Connection and their Mental Health Resource Center,

Below are the schedules for upcoming virtual events!

2024-2025 Mental Health Series Topics

2024-2025 Mental Health Series Webinar Schedule

External Resources

Does your family need support in accessing health insurance and mental health services? Below are some helpful links to resources that may be useful.

Accessing health insurance assistance

Comprehensive list of affordable/free mental health, physical health, and dental providers.


Covid Procedures

COVID-19 Safety Procedures​

Yinghua Academy will follow the CDC Guidelines for Respiratory Viruses for any positive Covid cases reported.

Students will need to isolate at home until fever-free for 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medications and symptoms are improving. Please do not send your child to school if they are coughing frequently. 

Health Office Staff

Ginger Hao, RN, BAN, MA, PHN
Catherine Yong, RN, BSN, PHN
Adele Schultz, Health Para
Gloria Low, Health Para
Ying-Ju Chiu, Health Para

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