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Covid-19 Safety Plan

What to do if your child tests positive for Covid

  • The school will follow the CDC Guidelines for Respiratory Viruses for any positive Covid cases reported.
  • Students will need to isolate at home until fever-free for 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medications and symptoms are improving. Please do not send your child to school if they are coughing frequently.
  • If students return to school within the first five days from the start of the infection, they should wear a mask unless they have had a negative Covid test AND they are not coughing.
  • Students are encouraged to wear a mask for ten days after the start of symptoms if they continue to have a mild, infrequent cough.
  • Notify the school of a positive Covid result by completing an Absence Report or contacting Ginger Hao directly.
  • Any family that needs a Covid antigen home test may request one from the health office.

Close Contact

  • If someone has Covid in your home, they should try to isolate themselves away from the well family members.
  • If your child is exposed to Covid, either at home or out in the community, they do not need to quarantine as long as they don’t have any symptoms. If symptoms develop, please keep your child home and test them for Covid and other respiratory viruses.


  • Vaccination is highly recommended, but not required, for all staff and students. For more information click here.

Notification of Covid

  • The school will send an email notification to families if someone in your child’s class tests positive for Covid-19 and may have exposed other students.

Yinghua Board of Education meetings offer an opportunity for public comment. All meetings are recorded, thus recordings offer a summary of public comment. In addition, comments may be registered with either the Executive Director at or Board Chair at