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Breakfast & Lunch Program at Yinghua Academy

Starting in the 2023-2024 school year, Yinghua joined Minnesota’s Free School Meals program. The program provides Minnesota state reimbursement to schools that participate in the National School Lunch Program and School Breakfast Program. This allows students to have one breakfast and one lunch at no cost to families at school during in-person school days.

We are continuing to partner with CKC Good Foods, our caterer that provides your children with nutritious breakfast and lunches. The meals are prepared according to USDA guidelines, are approved by MDE and hopefully will appeal to your student. Menus will offer fresh fruits and vegetables as well as entrees prepared from scratch if possible.

Families do not have to pre order breakfast for their student(s) in order for them to participate in the program. On the other hand, school lunches need to be pre-ordered and submitted on a month-by-month basis through our secure, fast, and easy-to-use online ordering system, The monthly menu will open from the 6th through the 20th of each month prior to the month of the orders.

Every family is required to read and sign the Free Meal Ordering Guidelines.

Please note: all combo meals include a carton of milk.

  • Student Breakfast . . . $0
  • Student Lunch . . . $0

Limited vegetarian option is available upon request and you will need to commit for the whole school year. Request to access the online menu by sending an email to

Limited Gluten Free meals are only available to students who medically require dietary restrictions. Please fill out the MDE Special Diet Statement form (physician’s signature required) and return it to and

  • Staff/Adult Meal . . . $5.25 (lunch), $3.10 (breakfast)

Email food service coordinator before placing an order online to be set up accordingly.

  • Extra slice of Pizza . . . $3.50
  • A La Carte items:
    • 8oz Fruits Smoothies . . . $3.50 (smoothies offer only either on Wednesday or Thursday once a week)
    • 1/2 Pint size of white milk (1% or skim) . . . $0.65
    • Lactose-free milk . . . $1.10

Nuts & Peanuts: Yinghua school lunches do not include nuts or peanuts. However, in their facility, CKC Good Food, Inc. does prepare other clients’ orders containing ingredients. Please consider this when deciding whether to order Yinghua school lunch. Contact the school nurse at with allergy management questions.

Online Ordering With Boonli

All Yinghua students must have a Yinghua Boonli account in order to take breakfast or lunch. The online preordering system is easy system that allows parents/guardians/students to view our monthly menu, prepay, and manage student’s lunches from their smartphone, tablet or computer.   

Even if you do not plan to order school lunch, we ask you to set up an account. This is because Yinghua uses this web portal for ordering purposes and recording the reimbursable meals in order for the school to get reimbursed from federal and state funding to pay CKC, our caterer. In the rare event if the school doesn’t have enough meals since the students did not place their order through our online ordering system, we will try to reach a parent or guardian to drop off a lunch at school before their lunch schedule time or we provide an emergency meal.

Go to

If you already have an account proceed to “Sign In.”

Otherwise, click “Create an Account.” Then click “First time users click here to create an account.” Enter YA1 in the PASSWORD box, check the box to confirm you are not a robot, and hit “Next.”

Fill in the boxes to register a new account. Check the box next to “I will be ordering for other people.”

Add the name and grade of the students for whom you will order lunch at Yinghua. Use the “Location” box to select the grade. Use first and last names exactly as they appear in Infinite Campus records at Yinghua.

Read “Program Info.”

Ordering lunch? Select the “month” bar. Click “the dates” on the calendar to begin ordering. Complete the checkout process. Do not close your browser prior to receiving the confirmation, or your order may not process fully. Orders left in the shopping cart will NOT be processed, and if needed, the emergency meal fee will apply. Not ordering lunch? You do not need to do anything further.

Payment processing: Carefully check what you have ordered by selecting “View/Print Orders” under the month, or view your order history by using the upper left menu. Confirm that you have placed your food orders on the correct days.

You will need to process payment with no processing fee via Visa, MasterCard, Discover, or American Express only and click “Confirm”. (note: you will still need to confirm $0 payment in order to have the orders received) 

After the system records your payment, if the ordering period is still open, you will be able to make changes and place additional orders.

Once your account is set up and you have linked your children to your account, you can start ordering. Typically, ordering for the next month takes place between the 6th -20th of the current month. However, at the beginning of a new school year these dates may shift.

Lunches are pre-ordered one month ahead at time so please note that the deadline for ordering August/September lunches is August 31. Please contact with any questions about account registration or ordering.

  • Smoothie Orders: If you are ordering smoothies in addition to hot meals, please be sure to select both. If only smoothies are ordered, your child will need to bring a home lunch on that day unless a hot meal is also selected. Smoothies are charged a la carte, and payment must be processed through Yinghua Boonli.
  • Calendar Awareness: Please be mindful of the first and last days of the month when placing orders. It’s easy to overlook days in the first or last week when using the calendar view.
  • Field Trip Lunches: Once the ordering period for hot meals (e.g., February) ends, any hot food orders on field trip days will be automatically canceled. Homeroom teachers will provide a brown bag request form along with permission slips, allowing students to choose between a brown bag lunch (Turkey sandwich or Wow butter/sun butter sandwich) or bringing their own lunch from home. Please ensure the form is completed by the designated deadline, as late submissions may not be accommodated.
  • Order Changes: You can make changes, cancellations, or additions to your order at any time before the order period ends on the 20th of the month. After submitting your orders or making changes, please check your email for a confirmation. If you do not receive an email from Boonli, it may indicate incomplete orders or pending payments for a la carte items like pizza slices or smoothies.
  • Order Submission: Sign in to Yinghua Boonli to place your order. It’s recommended to use a computer or iPad to avoid selection errors. After submitting your order, review it in the ‘calendar view’ to ensure no days or meals are missed, especially if you’ve placed smoothie orders. Orders are not officially submitted until you hit confirm and receive a confirmation email.
  • Reducing Food Waste: If you already know your child will be absent, please avoid placing orders for those days. In November, Yinghua had 300 unclaimed pre-ordered meals due to student absences, resulting in a financial loss of approximately $1,200, which could add up to about $15,000 annually. To help reduce food waste and minimize financial impact, please notify Helen Hindrawati, at least one week in advance of any planned absences to cancel your orders.

Yinghua Boonli Menus

Additional Resources

Application for Educational Benefits

Please know that your child(ren) may qualify for additional benefits such as reduced fees at school programs or the Pandemic Electronic Benefit Transfer (P-EBT) which is a federal temporary emergency nutrition benefit that is loaded onto electronic cards for families to purchase food if extended by USDA for this current year.  At a public charter school like Yinghua, your application also helps the school qualify for extra education funds and discounts.

To apply, complete Application for Educational Benefits (AEB) 2023-2024. Applications can be submitted at any time during the school year, however in order to receive these benefits for the first day of school, please submit your completed application form no later than August 20th, 2022. Forms may be emailed to or dropped off at the front office. Please also submit this Waiver of Confidentiality along with your AEB in order to qualify for additional Yinghua benefits such as reduced Aftercare/busing fees.

You also may submit the Application for Educational Benefits online via the IC Portal 

An application form with instructions will be available to all families in the first summer mailing communications in early August before the start of the new school year. A paper copy of the application form is available anytime throughout the school year in the school office or you can download from this link:

Yinghua Boonli Online Ordering Information for New and Current Families

Information Letter and Application (AEB) 2023-2024 Form

Shift Day Procedures

CKC Good Food, our school lunch provider, follows a procedure called “Shift Day” in the event of bad weather and an unexpected no-school day.

  • If the school is closed on a Monday due to weather: Monday’s menu will shift to Tuesday, and Tuesday’s menu will shift to Wednesday.
  • Wednesday’s menu will be canceled for the week if Monday is shifted to Tuesday and Tuesday is shifted to Wednesday.

Important Notes:

  • If Monday’s meals were canceled due to inclement weather, CKC will push Monday’s meal counts to Tuesday. This means that the meal counts for Tuesday will include those originally planned for Monday.
  • Pizza Days: If the school is scheduled to receive pizza from a third-party vendor (e.g., Domino’s) on a day when school is closed, pizza will not be rescheduled for another day that week. Pizza is provided by a third-party vendor, and due to vendor schedules and delivery limitations, it cannot be shifted within the week. Therefore, if school is closed on a pizza day, pizza will not be served that week.

If you have any questions, please contact our lunch team at

All students must set up an online Yinghua Boonli lunch ordering account, even if you don’t plan to order school lunches in the event of a student forgetting to bring their home lunch and need to take a school lunch.

Helpful Links

Civil Rights Statement

In accordance with federal civil rights law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, age, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity.

Program information may be made available in languages other than English. Persons with disabilities who require alternative means of communication to obtain program information (e.g., Braille, large print, audiotape, American Sign Language), should contact the responsible state or local agency that administers the program or USDA’s TARGET Center at (202) 720-2600 (voice and TTY) or contact USDA through the Federal Relay Service at (800) 877-8339.

To file a program discrimination complaint, a Complainant should complete a Form AD-3027, USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form which can be obtained online, from any USDA office, by calling (866) 632-9992, or by writing a letter addressed to USDA. The letter must contain the complainant’s name, address, telephone number, and a written description of the alleged discriminatory action in sufficient detail to inform the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights (ASCR) about the nature and date of an alleged civil rights violation. The completed AD-3027 form or letter must be submitted to USDA by:

(1) mail: U.S. Department of Agriculture

Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights

1400 Independence Avenue, SW

Washington, D.C. 20250-9410; or

(2) fax: (833) 256-1665 or (202) 690-7442; or

(3) email:

This institution is an equal opportunity provider.