YACA Board & Meetings


General Membership meetings are held approximately two times per year and are intended for parents or guardians of current students.

YACA Board Meetings are open to Yinghua parents/guardians and are generally held on the third Tuesday of the month. Please access the Yinghua School Calendar for exact meeting dates and location information.

Minutes & Agendas

2024-2025 Board Members

Elected Voting Members

YACA Chair: Michael Wilson

Vice Chair: Sakina Boulaayoune

Community Chair: Jenica Carlyon

Cultural Chair: Amelia Wang

Interim Development Chair: Anaya Mitra

Secretary: Janelle Gieseke

Treasurer: Chris Klisch

Volunteer Coordinator: Rajasree Hawk

Hospitality Chair: Kristina Middendorf

Member At Large: Jennifer Mark

Members At Large: Adele Schultz

Team Leads & Team Members

Classroom Coordinator Co-Liaisons: Katie Balk and Allison Juhl

Jiating Welcomers Co-Coordinators: Andrea Porter and Cynthia Seiner

Teacher and Intern Hospitality Team Lead: Kiki Romsaas – Seeking team members

Nourishment Team Lead: Kristin Tyborski – Seeking team members

Used Uniform Team Lead: Kara Cox and Sharon Lee – Seeking team members

Spirit Wear: Krista Rakochy – Seeking team members

Book Fair: Seeking a team lead and members

Appointed Non-Voting Members

Staff Liaison: Claire Little

Open Enrollment now through February 13