E-Learning Plan

Yinghua will be implementing e-learning as a combination of synchronous and asynchronous learning beginning after two snow days. On the occasion that Yinghua does have an e-learning day, it will be announced with the school closing information through our normal platforms. According to Minnesota Statute 120A.414, “E-Learning Day” refers to a school day where a school offers full access to online instruction provided by students’ individual teachers due to inclement weather. Schools have the choice to offer up to five E-learning days in one school year. An e-learning day is counted as a day of instruction and is included in the hours of instruction required under 120A.41.

E-Learning Plan

1. Provides accommodations for students without internet access at home by providing hard copies of assignments, devices and internet access to families.

2. Provides accommodations for students with IEP accommodations and access to SPED teachers so that all students are able to complete assignments independently.

3. Provides email access and scheduled Zoom meeting times between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. every day that school is closed.

4. Provides assignments through grade level choice boards (Kindergarten-Grade 4) and Google Classroom (Grades 5-8)

5. Parents and students will be notified of the e-learning plan prior to the beginning of the school year on an annual basis. Parents, teachers, and students will be notified by Yinghua Academy at least two hours prior to the normal school start time, that students need to follow the e-learning plan for that day.

K-4 E-Learning Materials – Sent home with all students

5-8 E-Learning Materials – Sent home as requested in the E-Learning Survey. Middle School students will also have information in their E-Learning Google Classrooms.