Aftercare & Extended Learning

Aftercare Information

Aftercare is a service provided for Yinghua families. For a fee, we provide aftercare only, music lessons, enrichment classes, tutoring, and a homework spot for students to continue to grow, learn, and play in a safe clean environment they already know. We offer students a snack, time to socialize with their peers, and opportunities to strengthen their skills while giving parents peace of mind. Check out our various programs and email us with any questions at

Additional Aftercare Activities

Private music lessons for both Chinese or Western instruments.

A variety of activities for students to be involved in after school.

One-on-one tutoring to support learning in a core subject.

Registering For Aftercare

Once You Are Registered

Aftercare begins when school ends at 3:30 p.m. Students check in with Aftercare staff (in the cafeteria for grades 2-8 and in the Art room for grades K-1) before heading to the playground for outdoor time. Remember to send appropriate outerwear! In the event of inclement weather, students will remain inside and will have the option of various toys, games, and craft and art activities to choose from.

  • If your child’s Aftercare registration is approved you must register your child with a Yinghua Boonli account before the first day of school. Even if your child does not receive school lunch, Boonli is crucial in being able to offer ALL children a free snack during Aftercare.
  • If you qualify for free or reduced lunch you must complete this Waiver of Confidentiality form and return it to the Aftercare office before 08/30/2024 in order to receive a discounted Aftercare rate.
  • If you are approved for Aftercare through the Aftercare office please ensure your student’s Silent Dismissal is set for “Aftercare ONLY”, on the days you want them in Aftercare. Aftercare + Classes/Lessons is only for students who are enrolled in a current music lesson, enrichment class, or tutoring session.
  • If your student is enrolled in Sports Sampler or another Athletic activity after school but you want them to join Aftercare when they are finished, you will set them for the first location they will go to afterschool, and email the Extended Learning Coordinator to alert them that your student(s) will be joining Aftercare when their Athletic program finishes.
  • Families are not able to make changes in Silent Dismissal after 1 p.m. Find information about using Silent Dismissal on We no longer offer drop-in Aftercare services. If there is a situation in which you need Aftercare on any given day and your child is not on our rosters, you can call the Aftercare office after 2 p.m. and inquire if there is space on that day. We will gladly fill any daily slots due to absences.

Parents/guardians pick up Aftercare students no later than 6:00 p.m. at Door 2, where an electronic check-out is required each day. To pick up your student, show your dismissal card at Door 2, and staff will call for your student to meet you there. Please note, if you have forgotten the dismissal card, you must show your ID to the Aftercare staff that works at Door 2.  A fee of $1/minute, per child will be charged for late pick-up. See the Student and Family Handbook for more details about Aftercare.

Homework First (HWF)

Homework First (HWF) is homework help for Aftercare students by Yinghua staff. Although we cannot guarantee every student completes their homework in HWF, staff support a quiet environment and are there to answer questions.

HWF is applicable to registered Aftercare students through the Extended Care office only. All students on the HWF list are sent to the library before they can participate in any other Aftercare activities. Kindergarteners only receive homework on Fridays. Thus, they will only be sent to the HWF room on Fridays if you register them for HWF.

Please email for the Google Form link. Your student will remain on this list throughout the school year unless you remove them from the list.

Students who are registered for HWF will be sent to the Library, Room 150, everyday (Monday-Friday), unless you note otherwise in the comments/concerns section. HWF is open everyday from 4:00 to 5:00/5:15 p.m. (upon staff availability).

Please Note:

  • Aftercare staff will ask HWF students if they have homework each day. They will send the students to HWF with the homework they have brought to Aftercare.  
  • Aftercare staff will try their best to ask all HWF students if they have completed all of their work. If your student tells us “Yes,” we will believe them until we are notified otherwise by you.
  • If a student is disruptive to other students in HWF and this disruptive behavior continues after a warning from HWF staff, the student will be sent back to Aftercare for the day.
  • Students registered for HWF list will remain on the list through the end of the school year, unless you remove them. To remove your student from our HWF list complete this form again, but click “Remove from HWF list.”

Aftercare, HWF, YACM and Enrichment class questions to the Extended Learning Office

Open Enrollment now through February 13