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Yinghua Academy offers private, one-on-one tutoring in core subjects to support students in their learning. Yinghua arranges everything and you pay the tutor through Yinghua. No online tutoring is available at this time through Yinghua. We thank you for your patience as we work to provide exemplary tutoring offerings for Yinghua students.

Registration Process

Make-Up Policy:

Each student is allowed one make-up lesson per package if you notify us at least 24
hours in advance.

If you’d like your child to continue tutoring, simply contact an AfterCare staff member,
and they’ll set everything up for you. If your child’s schedule needs to change, let them
know, and they’ll adjust accordingly.

Days & Times:

Individual Tutoring is available on Mondays-Fridays from 4:15-6 p.m. Please note that there are Middle school staff team meetings on Mondays and mandatory all staff meetings on Wednesdays, so finding an available tutor may be difficult on those days.

Please read through our policies below before registering.

Individual tutoring fee

New Tutoring Package Details (10 sessions): 

  • 30-Minute Sessions: $540 (includes Aftercare fee)
  • 45-Minute Sessions: $690 (includes Aftercare fee)
  • 60-Minute Sessions: $790 (includes Aftercare fee)

The Aftercare fee ensures your child will be supervised before and after their tutoring
session in the Aftercare program at Yinghua on the date of their tutoring session.

Contact Eric Foster ( with payment questions and the Extended Care office at ( with other tutoring questions.

  • AFTERCARE POLICY: All students receiving private tutoring at Yinghua will be automatically enrolled in Aftercare. A non-negotiable reduced-rate fee ($14 per day) for Aftercare will be bundled with the tutoring fees and reflected in the invoice. Students in Aftercare must be picked up no later than 6 p.m. A late pick-up fee of $1 per minute per student will apply and be charged through Silent Dismissal.
    Aftercare Note: You do not need to request or register for Aftercare for the days your student has tutoring, they will automatically have Aftercare on all days they have tutoring. This includes any days they may have a make-up tutoring session. 

  • MAKE-UP POLICY: Tutors MUST make-up all sessions they miss. Students are allowed one make-up session for the entire tutoring term. If a student misses more than one session, the family forfeits the fee. The tutor is only obligated to make-up one student missed session. If either the student or the tutor needs to cancel a session, they must contact the other to let them know and CC in the email. The tutor will need to note on their electronic attendance sheet when the make-up session, day and time agreed upon between the tutor and student’s family, will be. Advance notice of 24 hours is necessary to get a makeup. Extenuating circumstances shall be assessed on a case by case basis. No-shows forfeit the lesson. Makeup sessions will be done the week after the last session.

  • TARDY POLICY: If a student is tardy to any tutoring session the student loses that time; it does not accumulate to a make-up session. The tutor MUST end the session at the scheduled end time. The student may have an enrichment class or music lesson directly after the tutoring session and the student must be on time. If a tutor is tardy to any tutoring session the tutor will need to make up the lost time, possibly on another day.
    *Exception: if the student/tutor tardy is due to an unavoidable medical reason, the tutor and the family can make arrangements to make up the time.

  • CREDITS POLICY: The family will be credited:

    • For any tutor missed sessions, and no make-ups were completed.

    • If their student had one student missed a session in the whole tutoring term, and no make-up was completed.

    • If the tutor misses a make-up session.

    • The family may be credited for weather related or other unexpected school closures. Policy below.
  • FORFEIT FEES POLICY: Tutor will be paid/family will forfeit the fee:
    If a student misses two or more missed sessions, and no make-ups were completed. Tutors are only obligated to make-up one student’s missed session, or if the student misses a make-up session.
  • WEATHER RELATED OR OTHER UNEXPECTED SCHOOL-CLOSED POLICY: Any tutoring sessions missed due to weather related or other unexpected school closures may be reimbursed. Tutors will try to provide as many make-ups as possible for weather-related or other unexpected school closed missed tutoring sessions. In the event that a tutor or family cannot reschedule a session, Yinghua will issue a refund for the missed session.

  • SILENT DISMISSAL: On lesson days, set Silent Dismissal to “Aftercare + classes/music lessons”: by setting your student’s Silent Dismissal correctly you will avoid extra Aftercare fees.

  • CANCELLATION POLICY: If the student/family decides to drop tutoring before the end of a term, there is a $50 drop fee that will be paid to the tutor. The remaining tutoring sessions for the term will not be paid to the tutor and the family will be credited. 

  • UNSATISFACTORY TUTORING SERVICES: During the tutoring term if the family believes the tutoring match is not a good fit for their student, but would like their student to continue tutoring and be matched with a different tutor, there will be a $50 cancellation fee for the current tutor. The remainder of the tutoring fees that the family paid will go towards the new tutoring match. Dependent upon the number of tutoring sessions with the new tutor, the possibility of an additional fee may apply. If a match cannot be made, the family will be reimbursed the remainder of the tutoring fees.

2024-2025 Schedule


            *Oct 16 – no school/no tutoring: Conferences 10 a.m. – 8 p.m.

            *Oct 17 – no school/no tutoring: Conferences 8 a.m. – 4 p.m. 

            *Oct 11 – no school/no tutoring: professional development day; 

            *Oct 18- no school/no tutoring: fall break.


       Dec. 23 & 30 – no school/no tutoring: winter break; 

      Jan 20 – no school/no tutoring: Martin Luther King Jr. Day; 

      Feb 17  – no school/no tutoring: Presidents’ Day; 

      Feb. 24 – no school/no tutoring: CNY Holiday

         Dec. 24 & 31 – no school/no tutoring: winter break

         Dec. 25 & Jan. 1 – no school/no tutoring: winter break

                   Dec. 26 & Jan. 2 – no school/no tutoring: winter break

        Feb 7 – no school/no tutoring: Lunar New Year.


       *March 31: no school/no tutoring: Professional Development Day.

                *Apr 9 – no school/no tutoring: Conferences 10 a.m. – 8 p.m. 

                *Apr 10 – no school/no tutoring: Conferences 8 a.m. – 4 p.m.