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Meeting Calendar & Minutes


School Board meetings typically fall on the third Monday of the month with occasional variations to this pattern due to school holidays and breaks. During the pandemic, meetings are via Zoom, and login information is posted at least 24 hours prior to the meeting on the meeting agenda and on the Master Calendar. Unless otherwise noted on the agenda, meetings are from 6 to 8 p.m. in the Yinghua Academy school library; a sign is posted at the school entrance indicating the location of onsite meetings.

Charter school board meetings are public meetings. If you would like additional information about board meetings, email the School Board Chair, Colleen Ebinger, at


School Board meetings are held in person in Yinghua’s Library. Committee meetings are via Zoom. Check the Google Master Calendar for Zoom meeting IDs. For best viewing results, we recommend you download the Zoom app prior to the meeting. You do not need to have a Zoom account in order to join the meeting.


Agendas are posted here at least 24 hours prior to the meeting.


The minutes of charter school board meetings are public information. Attached are the minutes of the Yinghua Academy Board of Directors meetings starting in November 2005.

Please note that minutes are not posted to our website until they have been approved, which usually occurs at the next meeting resulting in approximately a four-week lag time. We have explored many ways to post the minutes sooner, but we cannot legally approve minutes via email due to Open Meeting Law, so we have to review and approve them at each subsequent meeting.

2021 December Meeting Minutes, recording, use passcode 1Pu*0jY!

2021 November Meeting Minutes, recording, use passcode h#e0R4+!

2021 October Meeting Minutes, recording, use passcode TjR&Y9lt

2021 September Meeting Minutes, recording, use passcode $3z#esip

2021 August Meeting Minutes, recording, use passcode 18C?1AAo

There was not a school board meeting in July 2021.

2021 June Meeting Minutes, recording, use passcode I0^.G@Yp

2021 May Meeting Minutes, recording, use passcode qUE^490k

2021 Annual Meeting Minutes, recording

2021 April Meeting Minutes, recording, use password #05Y7OyS

2021 March Meeting Minutes, recording, use password .502=gLk

2021 February Meeting Minutes, recording, use password fEq#p#3B

2021 January Meeting Minutes, recording, use password yc.%F6fw

2020 December Meeting Minutes, recording, use password 9^!Yr$59

2020 November Meeting Minutes, recording, use password G3h.n199

2020 October Meeting Minutes, recording, use password .A3!4c$c [The password starts with . (a period).]

2020 September Meeting Minutes, 9/21/2020 recording, use password K9k*6hmr

2020 August Minutes, 8/17/2020 recording, use password Z^N2Ty^9

2020 August Special Meeting Minutes, 8/11/2020 (Special Meeting) recording, use password YC%=FBf7

2020 July Minutes, 7/20/2020 meeting recording, use password a0mjbW#t

2020 June Minutes, 6/15/2020 meeting recording, use password 6M%#s962

2020 May Minutes, 5/18/2020 meeting recording, use password 9H?#^^.x

2020 April Minutes, 4/20/2020 meeting recording, use password 6N+?g60#

2020 Annual Meeting Minutes

2020 March Minutes

2020 February Minutes

2020 January Minutes

November 17, 2005

December 5, 2005

December 19, 2005